9 years 8 months ago
In this document, the Commission implemented allocation changes from the World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2007) (WRC-07) and updated related service rules. The Commission took this action in order to conform its rules, to the extent practical, to the decisions that the international community made at WRC-07. This action will promote the advancement of new and expanded services and provide significant benefits to the American people. In addition, the Commission revised the International Table of Frequency Allocations within its rules to generally reflect the allocation changes made at the World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2012) (WRC-12).
Federal Communications Commission
9 years 8 months ago
In this document, the Commission proposes to implement certain allocation changes from the World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2012) (WRC-12) and to update related service rules. The Commission took this action in order to conform its rules, to the extent practical, to the decisions that the international community made at WRC-12. This action will promote the advancement of new and expanded services and provide significant benefits to the American people. In addition, the Commission proposes to address several matters that pertain to unresolved issues from a previous Conference.
Federal Communications Commission
9 years 8 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) adopts rules to establish a new Citizens Broadband Radio Service in the 3550--3700 MHz band. This document implements a three- tiered spectrum authorization framework in the 3550-3700 MHz band to facilitate a variety of small cell and other broadband uses of the band on a shared basis with incumbent federal and non-federal users.
Federal Communications Commission
9 years 8 months ago
In this document, the Commission seeks comment on three specific issues related to the establishment of a new Citizens Broadband Radio Service in the 3550-3700 MHz band (3.5 GHz Band). These issues are: Defining "use" of Priority Access License frequencies; implementing secondary markets in Priority Access Licenses; and optimizing protections for Fixed Satellite Services.
Federal Communications Commission
10 years ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) proposes to authorize radar applications in the 76-81 GHz band. The Commission seeks to develop a flexible and streamlined regulatory framework that will encourage efficient, innovative uses of the spectrum and to allow various services to operate on an interference-protected basis. In doing so, it further seeks to adopt service rules that will allow for the deployment of the various radar applications in this band, both within and outside the U.S. The Commission takes this action in response to a petition for rulemaking filed by Robert Bosch, LLC (Bosch) and two petitions for reconsideration of the 2012 Vehicular Radar R&O.
Federal Communications Commission
10 years 2 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) revises certain mailing addresses pertaining to satellite emergency radiobeacons which are used to facilitate search and rescue of persons in distress. We update the rules to include the correct mailing addresses for the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Beacon Registration Database, the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM), the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA), and the United States Coast Guard (Coast Guard). This Order updates the mailing addresses provided in our rules for NOAA, RTCM, RTCA and the Coast Guard.
Federal Communications Commission
10 years 5 months ago
This document addresses an Order on Reconsideration and Second Report and Order in which the Commission takes further actions to foster the development and deployment of new and innovative Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) devices. In addressing petitions for reconsideration of the First Report and Order in this proceeding, the Commission provides MBAN users with additional flexibility to enable the implementation of technical standards being developed for MBAN devices, and clarify and modify portions of its rules to facilitate the coordination, deployment, and use of MBAN systems. In the Second Report and Order portion in this proceeding, the Commission finalizes the process for selecting a MBAN Coordinator. This coordinator will facilitate use of the MBAN frequencies, which operate in shared-use bands. Collectively, our actions will allow the development of new and innovative health care applications.
Federal Communications Commission
10 years 6 months ago
This document contains a correction to the final regulations of the Commission's rules, which were published in the Federal Register on Friday, June 20, 2014, 79 FR 35290. The final regulations address the rules for the Amateur Radio Service.
Federal Communications Commission
10 years 7 months ago
In this document the Federal Communications Commission extends the deadline for filing reply comments on its Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) in this proceeding, which was previously published in the Federal Register.
Federal Communications Commission
10 years 8 months ago
This document amends the rules for the Amateur Radio Service by modifying the qualifying examination system to grant partial examination credit for certain expired amateur operator licenses, permits examinations to be administered remotely, and allows amateur stations to transmit certain additional emission types. The rule amendments are necessary to implement these changes. Additionally, this document amends certain rules to conform them to prior Commission decisions. The effect of this action is to enhance the usefulness of the amateur service rules by making the amateur service more accessible to former licensees and to allow amateur stations to transmit certain additional emission types.
Federal Communications Commission
10 years 9 months ago
In this further notice of proposed rulemaking, the Commission seeks comment on specific rule proposals for the establishment of a new Citizens Broadband Radio Service in the 3550-3650 MHz band (3.5 GHz Band).
Federal Communications Commission
10 years 11 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) invites comment on issues regarding updating rules and requirements for technologies used to locate and rescue distressed ships and individuals in distress at sea or on land to provide better and more accurate data to rescue personnel. The Commission also invites comments on rules regarding radar equipment, the use of portable marine Very High Frequency (VHF) transmitters by persons on shore; permitting VHF digital small message service (VDSMS); and allowing assignment or transfer of control of ship station licenses. These rules will enable the maritime radio services to better protect lives and property at sea, as well as support improved day-to- day operations. New technologies will be used to locate and rescue distressed ships and individuals in distress at sea or on land to provide better and more accurate data to rescue personnel.
Federal Communications Commission
11 years 1 month ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) corrects a document published December 27, 2013. The DATES and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION sections contain an incorrect Federal Register citation.
Federal Communications Commission
11 years 2 months ago
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission") announces that certain rules revised in the "Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Provide Spectrum for the Operation of Medical Body Area Networks" adopted in a First Report and Order, ET Docket No. 08-59 (FCC 12-54), to the extent it contained information collection requirements that required approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was approved on October 26, 2013. This document is consistent with the First Report and Order, which stated that the Commission would publish a document in the Federal Register announcing the effective date of those rules.
Federal Communications Commission
11 years 3 months ago
This document corrects a document published in the Federal Register on December 4, 2013. This correction notes that the document incorrectly referred to itself as a "proposed rule" or "notice of proposed rulemaking" rather than a "document." In addition, the reply comment date for the document is December 20, 2013, and not March 20, 2013.
Federal Communications Commission
11 years 3 months ago
In this notice of proposed rulemaking, the Commission seeks comment on some specific variations of the licensing and technical proposals for the 3550-3650 MHz band (3.5 GHz Band) originally set forth in Amendment of the Commission's rules with Regard to Commercial Operations in the 3550-3650 MHz Band.
Federal Communications Commission
11 years 6 months ago
In this document, a Petition for Reconsideration has been filed in the Commission's Rulemaking proceeding by Ivanna Yang on behalf of American Association for Justice.
Federal Communications Commission
11 years 9 months ago
In this document, Petitions for Reconsideration (Petitions) have been filed in the Commission's Rulemaking proceeding by Russell D. Lukas on behalf of Wilson Electronics, LLC, Sean Haynberg on behalf of V-COMM, LLC, and by Mark L. Crosby on behalf of the Enterprise Wireless Alliance.
Federal Communications Commission
11 years 9 months ago
This document seeks comment on proposals developed in the course of the Federal Communications Commission's (Commission's) proceeding regarding compliance with our guidelines for human exposure to RF electromagnetic fields. The Commission's further proposals reflect an effort to provide more efficient, practical, and consistent application of evaluation procedures to ensure compliance with its guidelines limiting human exposure to RF energy from Commission- regulated transmitters and devices. In addition the Commission has initiated a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) in a new proceeding to determine whether there is a need for reassessment of the Commission radiofrequency (RF) exposure limits and policies. The NOI acknowledges the research that has occurred in recent years and the changing nature of RF devices and their uses, and focuses on the propriety of the Commission's existing standards and policies, including its fundamental exposure guidelines and aspects of its equipment authorization process and policies as they relate to RF exposure in light of these changes since its rules were adopted.
Federal Communications Commission
11 years 9 months ago
This document resolves several issues regarding compliance with the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's) regulations for conducting environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as they relate to the guidelines for human exposure to RF electromagnetic fields. More specifically, the Commission clarifies evaluation procedures and references to determine compliance with its limits, including specific absorption rate (SAR) as a primary metric for compliance, consideration of the pinna (outer ear) as an extremity, and measurement of medical implant exposure. The Commission also elaborates on mitigation procedures to ensure compliances with its limits, including labeling and other requirements for occupational exposure classification, clarification of compliance responsibility at multiple transmitter sites, and labeling of fixed consumer transmitters.
Federal Communications Commission