For the past 25 years, REC has been supporting LPFM, other broadcast services and the broadcast hobbyist community through an extensive use of open data from the FCC and other sources. Over the years, REC has also developed our own datasets to support various efforts. As of September 7, 2020, REC is currently in the process of reviewing each data set within our data store and will classify them into one of three categories:
- Open data: Data that does not contain any proprietary value to REC Networks or previously proprietary but not considered obsolete with the passage of time but does continue to retain a historical value. Open data can include "demonstration" versions of Closed data sets available under subscription. Data may also be declared open if it is in the public interest to do so.
- Closed data: Data that carries an asset value to the current operations of REC Networks and therefore not available to the general public. Data may be made available to peer organizations for their own internal use or available through subscription either with or without a nondisclosure agreement.
- Private data: Data that carries a high asset value to REC Networks that may include trade secrets and other confidential information. Most data sets in the REC data store are considered private.
SEE ALSO: OPEN Government Data Act: Assessment by REC of Open Data at the FCC.
As open data sets become available, they will be posted below:
2023 Third Generation LPFM Filing Window Potential Availability GeoJSON Points.
One minute by one minute points showing the potential availability of LPFM channels in the filing windows. Specific channel information not provided. This data is used to power the 2023 LPFM Filing Window Potential Availability Map. Added 7-8-2023. Licensing: CC BY-NC 4.0 (noncommercial use with attribution to REC).
REC Standardized Broadcast Application Identifiers (recID)
A conversion table that is used to provide a integer (all digits) identifier for all versions of TV, FM and AM broadcasting applications filed in the FCC's License Management System (LMS). Updated daily.
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eLMS Public Data
Selected data tables from REC Networks' Enhanced License Management System (eLMS) focusing mainly on code tables, noncommercial educational FM and LPFM filing windows, as well as the REC WIDE-FM Petition for Rulemaking. Updated daily.
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CDBS Historic Data
Information retrieved from the FCC's CDBS system prior to its retirement providing information that was not available in the data dumps including public notice comments and import letters, as well as the last FCC provided CDBS data dump files.